Saturday, December 31, 2011

The "Star"

Well, here we are looking at a new year about to begin. I can honestly say beyond a shadow or doubt 2011 has been the most challenging year in my life.  I have faced a mountain on January 28th I never thought I would ever have to climb. I am here looking back down the hillside rejoicing in what God has done for me and how He continues to heal me and encourage others through this journey.  There are days I wonder and ask Jesus "When will I feel normal again? why?  have I done everything right? what are You waiting for me to do before my complete healing comes?" Jesus reminds me on those days to just rest in His arms and walk in His peace as He holds my hand and we climb the mountain.

We read the Christmas story this year in a few versions and again realized the miracle of Christs virgin birth. The wise men tried to understand it, explain it, and in the end just "followed the Star" in total believing God had come to earth, born from a virgin, to be our everlasting Savior.  I am learning to look at the "Star" in my own life and claim restoration, healing and Peace everyday.  Leaning into Jesus everlasting arms and just trusting. I have met so many friends that are also going through cancer treatment it boggles my mind.  God has a plan in all things.

We had all the family with us this Christmas and just concluded a week together in Sunriver. The boys all left today and about 2 hours later the snow came.  It is snowing like crazy right now and so beautiful outside.

The house in Caldera Springs is just about done and has been such a blessing this past year. I wish all of you a "Happy New Year" and encourage you to just trust and follow the "Star" in total faith that God has it all under control.

"When they call on me I will answer; I will be with them in trouble. I will rescue and honor them. I will reward them with a long life and give them My salvation." Ps 91 15-16

Sunday, November 13, 2011

'Word from the Lord..."

I am participating in a Bible study this fall called, "Experiencing God". It has been a great study for me. It talks a lot about how God speaks to us as believers and how to recognize His voice. "Wow" anyone needs to know that, but, especially during cancer treatment.!!

"It's not about the cancer anymore its about what you are going to do about this experience"....I KNOW God gave me this word this past week while studying. So, I have been pondering that and want so badly to do whatever God has for me at this time in my life. My third trimester...the next 30 years...(read the "having done all stand"blog for the trimester talk.)

My sister Shari is a wonderful encouragement to me. In February, the day after I found out she called and gave me this scripture. Also, when my Pastor and his wife came over to pray for me and our family, she asked, "Do you have a scripture?". I immediately answered "yes" and quoted this..."This sickness will not end in death. No, it is for God's glory so that God's Son may be glorified through it" (John 11:4). It is the familiar story of Lazarus. Jesus said that the moment  the disciples told Him about Lazarus being sick and as the story goes....He waited 3 days and when he arrived the whole town followed Him to the graveside and watched as He raised Lazarus from the dead. My Bible study referred to this story a few weeks ago and the words were like lights on the page jumping out at me.

 Another statement from that study is "So when the answer to prayer came, I immediately knew my job was to give God the glory to everyone I could tell. In the process we came to know God in a new way..." again this one jumped off the page. Shari also sent me a great sermon called "The Long Way Around". It refers to God healing someone immediately or God taking the long way way around and touching so many lives in the process. Another sermon I heard was about the process and how we grow, learn, and minister to others during the "process" of healing. I don't need to be struck by lightening, God is telling me something over and over. OK,  I am on board, I am in the chariot,  my antennas are up!!

This blog is an example of how God has showed me how to encourage others and let them know that God is listening, He is faithful, He is loving and He is still in the healing business, just like back in the Bible days. God has not changed, we have changed and are not expecting miracles anymore.

My next scan is at the end of the month. I am feeling better! The side effects have settled down. I am not loosing anymore hair and it is growing back. I have more energy.  I am taking palates, acupuncture, exercising, massage, vitamins, eating healthy, doing all I can to help the healing process.

I am experiencing a MIRACLE  as I write this blog and as I live my life every day. I am claiming complete healing constantly and I know God is listening!!

Monday, August 29, 2011

"Having done all, STAND" Eph. 6:13

It is very difficult to not have clarity in the journey. My personality likes knowing when, what, where and how? I have seen all the best doctors, eating all the right foods, exercising, reading the Word, many friends and family  have prayed for healing and continue to do now what..."Having done all stand" firm in knowing Gods promises are true and He is faithful.

That is exactly where I am right now. These past weeks I have been working on my house in Caldera Springs. There is not a more beautiful place to be for me right now. I have had family and friends with me and we have all had a wonderful time. There is something about it that renews my spirit. Dustin is on his way back to the states by land....He is in El Salvador, next a few stops in Mexico then San Fransisco. I will be so glad when he gets home.  Whats wrong with the plane? He says "I just want to say I did it" who does that sound like? Rocky!! He is fluent in Spanish now and is having a great time "surfing" his way home. Its hard to argue with that. Spencer is the Small Business Specialist at Chase bank in Portland and is living 8 blocks from work. He is enjoying the downtown life. Travis is a Personal Banker at Chase.  They both still have their cute girlfriends.  I  have been to 2 weddings this summer and am now ready for a few of my own.

Life seems to come in trimesters.The first trimester is about living in God's will, growing, learning,  choosing a mate, figuring out what kind of a person as well as a "Believer" you want to be, choosing a career, starting a family.The second trimester you are raising the family, taking care of their needs, college funds, preparing for retirement, wearing so many hats,! The third trimester is about how you want to conclude your life, spend your retirement, and how you want to be remembered.  I want to be remembered for my relationship with Jesus, my husband, children, parents and friends. I am looking forward to what God has for me as I look ahead to the "third trimester."  Its important for me to have meaningful activities and outreach and not just live a self centered existence. God has a special ministry for everyone at every stage. I am learning daily what that is for me this last trimester.  Claiming at least 30 more years.

"Antenna's up." I visited a darling girl in the hospital this week who is paralyzed from the chest down from a bad car accident. Please pray for Erin. I gave her a Bible and will continue to visit her and pray for Gods healing touch on her body. AGAIN, thanks for all your support and prayers I am "standing"....

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


"Claim Victory" that is what I am doing every day. It is August 10th and I am in the middle of my 3 months until I see the Dr for another scan and evaluation in September. I take my "pill" every morning and claim that day for God's glory. I have had amazing opportunities to share my story and God's grace and healing almost every day.

It is not a easy thing to keep focused on healing every day. The Lord said to Joshua,"Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Be strong and courageous." Josh 10:25.
The Lord is with you, "mighty men of valour" and you are mighty because you are with the Mightiest" so claim VICTORY...whenever your heart and and flesh fail you.."claim victory"...Remember you were in Him when He won claim victory! (Streams in the Desert).  AMEN...that is my new "word" Victory....

I have been having a great summer. Rocky and I are building a home in Caldera Springs, Sunriver, Oregon. It has been such a blessing to have a wonderful project to work on and look forward to.  Gods timing is perfect.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Antenna's up?

I had lunch this last week with a friend I had not seen since my treatment started back in February. She was so encouraged to see me. It was great for me to re count all that God has done for me these past 6 months. It reminded me that I was in God's hands and I needed to TRUST HIM.

I had told her that I have my "antenna's up" looking for opportunities to share God's peace, faithfulness and Love. When we hugged goodbye she said.."keep those antenna's up God is going to use you for His Glory." That rang over and over in my mind and I have been claiming it every day.

It has been amazing the people God has brought for me to share with. The guy I called off the Internet to clean my vents turned out to be an old friend who had recently rededicated his life to the Lord.  My cleaning guy in Sunriver knocked on my door yesterday, my massage therapist, acupuncture Dr, manicurist, work friends, furniture salesman.  Meeting new friends tonight, totally unplanned, God gave me the chance to share. "Random" you way, God!! I pray that this experience brings people to Him in a new way, encourages people, blesses them and reminds them that God is still doing miracles, He is faithful and wants us to reach beyond our comfort zone to share His Love..

I have been given 3 more months of tarceva, the oral chemo pill. I am doing well on the treatment. I have learned how to manage the side effects pretty well.  I see the Dr. on September 20th. My last blog I spoke of the mass as a "deflated balloon." Please keep praying and lets watch God melt it totally away...!!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


My doctor is a petite little thing with a tight bun and small wire rim glasses, very conservative, smart and professional. When she came in the room with such a big smile my heart skipped a beat. My results were great!!  She put both screens up side by side. April 27th and June 28th. The mass was still visible, but it has lost some air, shrinking down more and more....she described it as a "deflated balloon!!" There is no sign of cancer anywhere else in my body!!!

                                               "PRAISE JESUS"

I took a long walk this morning with my dog, "tug" listening to my praise and worship music. Praying, crying and believing for my appointment today. The song came on..."Say the name of Jesus"...when you can't find the words to say...just say His name...calm your fears, dry your tears, and wash away the pain.......I just said His name over and over. Then came "He is my Peace" and I tell you what His peace washed over me like never before. They check your vitals when you blood pressure was perfect, weight unchanged, just plain healthy...God is Good!!!!

The doctor said you are so healthy and doing so well I will see you in three months. I have the pill to take during that time, but, I tell you what, "God is using that thing as my cancer bullet, that is fine with me!!" She also said..." I normally see "sick people!" Have a great summer!!!!

I was asked if I would allow them to interview me for my feedback about the Lung Cancer Center at Providence....Of course...I would love another platform to share God's love and faithfulness and of course talk about how much I have appreciated all the care I have received. THANK you for praying God is Faithful!!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Fact or Truth

Today has been a tough day. Tomorrow I go in for my scan and check up after my second 60 days of oral chemo. The last check was on April 27th and showed a better than 50% shrinkage on the lung mass. I guess I have "scananxiety" a phrase I read about in the treatment booklet they gave me.

I read in one of my devotion books..."Truth goes beyond fact!" The fact may be that you have a very serious illness, or have recently been diagnosed with the "C" word...(cancer) that may need to be monitored for the rest of your life!"
But, what does the truth have to say about that! Truth is absolute, truth does not yield, truth does not change, thus the facts are subject to truth! Gods Word says you are healed,"With His stripes we are healed" Is. 53 - 5..."I am living in divine health the healing power of God is working in me. I shall live and not die to proclaim the glory of God." Ps. 118 - 7.  THATS THE TRUTH!!!

It is easier to just accept facts. SPEAKING God's Word every day proclaims the truth of it and brings His promises to pass. Now we have a choice we can accept the facts or we can change the facts with Gods Truth and trust Him every day.

I have gone back and read earlier blogs just to encourage myself of Gods continued hand on my life and the miracles He has already performed. Stand with me in TRUTH this week as I walk through the next chapter of my journey.

Today I met with a wonderful friend I have not seen since the treatments started. Just telling her of Gods continued miracles encouraged me so much!!

Friday, June 3, 2011


These past few weeks we have spent time in Sunriver. We are building a house there and have been having a blast with that. It is a very exciting project for me to sink my mind and thoughts into during this treatment. Rocky and I have a home in Sunriver that we rent to family and friends, #27 TOKATEE. is my new website. When this project is complete we will add this new home as well.

The drive is about 4 hours from Portland. I have had increasing back pain these past weeks. My first treatment back in January began with 10 radiation "zaps" on my back. I had a small spot of cancer on my vertebra. We all felt comfortable that had been taken care of with those treatments. My scan in April showed the lung tumor had shrunk by more than 50%!!! We were so excited we never even mentioned my back.  When this pain started, believe me, the devil used it against me. I was struggling with..."Its not gone back there...its moved to more will never be free of this...!!!"

I called my radiologist and explained the situation. She suggested I get an extensive MRI of my whole spine so we can really see everything clearly and I could have some closure on that treatment. She said, "Can you be here in 2 hours?" The MRI tech told me he could not believe they had a 2 1/2 hour time slot for me on such quick notice!"God" got me in that very day for the MRI and 20 minutes later I was in her office looking at the scans on 3 big screens.  NO CANCER AT ALL!!!! In fact my spine looked very healthy!!!!!  The pain was from the spot they treated, it has collapsed slightly. It will take some time for that to fill in and heal. Muscle spasms and  sitting for a long time, aggravate it. Exercise, massage, acupuncture will help with the healing process. I gave her the biggest HUG and thanked her so much for understanding where my thoughts were going...!!

P.S....A 2 1/2 hour MRI is very difficult for me.  When you do your spine they pack your head tightly in a brace and put you in a small enclosed tube down to your knees. It is very loud. I had to take something to relax me. About halfway through I was loosing it, praying and singing the song..."Holy Spirit come and fill this place"....I saw a comforting face come down and pull the cover slightly over me and tuck it under my chin and he said.."You are in my hands sweetheart" was just like you would do for a small child when tucking them into bed.  An angel? The Holy Spirit? I tell you it was as real as rain in Oregon...!!!

I am rejoicing every minute and thanking God for his faithfulness to me. Those of you who read my blog remember the chariot I am in. God's chariot of triumph that over runs our trials. My devotion today spoke of that chariot again...
"Do you think all this commotion and uproar of this life is evidence that God has left His throne? He has not! His mighty steeds rush furiously ahead, and His chariots are storms themselves. But the horses have bridles, and it is God who holds the reins, guiding the chariots as He wills!"  So hold on and relax!!!!

Monday, May 23, 2011


"Be still and know that I am God, be still and know that I am God, be still and know that I am God." "I am the Lord that healeth thee, I am the Lord the healeth thee..." a chorus God brought to my mind this past week. God is teaching me many things, one of which is patience.  One morning my devotion spoke to this and I heard it at my bible study and that evening it was in my Bible study AGAIN. "Be still, and know that I am God" Psalm 46 - 10.  I have never stopped long enough to be still for anything. Having 3 boys under the age of 3, (twins), working, ect. Now I am learning to listen to God's voice and I am experiencing His peace like never before.

God showed me He is watching over me this week while in Sunriver. I was walking my dog along the golf course. Tug was having a grand time chasing his ball, prancing around as if he owned that course. All of the  sudden 4 deer came running across our path and there goes fast as his legs could go chasing them for "deer" life. Across the course through the houses across the street into the national forest.  I ran as well, yelling his name, but he was out of sight in seconds...I tried to follow the path I could see in the soft dirt for about a mile or so. Finally I stopped to call Rocky..why?...what was he gonna do? I didn't even know where I was exactly. I asked God to please help me find TUG and in minutes he was running up behind me with a big smile and his tongue hanging out exhausted. I immediately put him on leash and headed home. I realized part way home my phone was gone.  That evening Rocky, Randy, Mom and I all went out and tried to locate it. No luck. Early the next morning Rocky and Randy went out to look. Not knowing even exactly where I had been. While wandering out in the forest Rand asked God, "Lord, you know where that phone is, please help us find it." He called it and a small sage brush right near him started ringing. AMAZING! It had rained that night and it was cover in son Spencer says it was the "modern day burning bush!" God spoke assurance to me that day that He is watching over me and every move I make, knowing exactly His perfect timing for everything in my life, including complete healing!

I have been having some back pain that really concerned me while on that trip. When I got home I called the radiologist that treated my back in February. She told me that the back looked great in the recent scan! It is probably muscle strain and stress! She suggested massage, acupuncture and stretching...I was thrilled!!! Praise The Lord!!!

I have a best friend that is recovering from breast cancer surgery. Please pray for her as well. God's timing is something else. I am amazed how He has his Hand on my life and the assurance He has given me to pass onto my friend!!

Friday, May 6, 2011

A New Normal

Asparagus, flax seed, fish oil, vitamin D, calcium, PROTEIN, magnesium, garlic, ginger, GREEN TEA, green vegetables, fruit, acupuncture, exercise, rest, and on it goes. I have a check list every day in the journey to complete health. I am not working for the first time in 30 years! Some days I embrace it, others I am frustrated. I want to plan when I will be completely better. July? August? this fall? the holidays? it just swirls around in my mind. I am a "planner" a "goal setter". It is so difficult for me to just "TRUST". I had to go back and read my own post on "God's Timing."

"Faith is not conjuring up, through an act of your will, a sense of certainty that something is going to happen. No, it is recognizing God's promise as an actual fact, believing it is true, rejoicing in the knowledge of that truth, and then simply resting because God said it." God gave me that just when I was complaining about my the Lord. Again perfect timing on His part. I am learning that God doesn't mind the complaints he just wants our true heart. Just like a best friend..."He listens...."

One of my best friends has just been diagnosed this week with  breast cancer. She is just a few steps behind me in this journey. I want all of you to pray for her as well. Again, it is time to claim healing and pray for others...


Thursday, May 5, 2011


Today my trusted companion for the first stage of this journey went back to his life. I have been blessed to have my whole family with me these past 3 months. Dustin, my oldest,
arrived a few days after the diagnosis from Costa Rica and said, "I am staying until Mom is better" and you know what? After this last Dr appointment we saw how much better I am and how God is healing me.

This Saturday is his birthday and I have never been so thankful for him than these past 3 months. Children are a gift from God. They enrich our lives and give us a purpose and bless us more then they know.

I have had so many people praying for me including a darling 1st grade class at Rockford Christian Life School in Rockford Ill. My sister Shari Wood is their teacher and they have been praying for me faithfully this whole journey...

THANK YOU...THANK YOU....THANK YOU.....I love you all....!!

Friday, April 29, 2011


This week was my first scan and Dr. appointment since starting my treatment. I had "scanexiety" a new term I heard from a fellow patient. Every day I pray, take the pill, eat all the right foods, exercise, doing all the "right" things, claiming healing constantly. I tell you what, there is nothing like proof on the screen of what God is doing.

All my family was able to attend the appointment. It was like an army assembled to take on whatever was to be. My Dr. is a reserved, petite lady that walked into a room of 4 men all surrounding me, Arn's Army, as if challenging her to give us good news or what!!! The strength I draw form them is unexplainable.  She asked how I was doing with side effects, ect....looked me over and said "lets look at your scan together." She put them up side by side, the one taken Monday and the one taken on January 28th.....AMAZING.....the size of the mass is at least %50 smaller and looks all shrivelled up!!!!! God is healing me and I  now have proof!!!!  We are all soooooo excited to be half way up that hill we were rolling down about 60 days ago.

I am taking the treatment for 60 more days. I am claiming complete healing..."cancer free" as the term goes. Please keep me in your prayers. God is teaching me and my family and friends so much. I have told the Lord I will shout it from the rooftops and give HIM all the glory when this journey is complete.

Easter Sunday in my sun room wrapped in a beautiful handmade quilt from a wonderful Christian friend...

Thursday, April 21, 2011


Has a phone call ever changed your life forever? Do you think you have it all planned out? Not only for yourself but for your children? Let me tell you something....the only One who has it all planned out for you is Jesus....learning to depend on His faithfulness is the toughest lesson we will ever learn and continue to learn our whole life.

My phone call was Thursday evening, January 27th...a life changer. I am in the process of learning that lesson again and giving ALL my plans for everything and everybody back to Him.

I am feeling amazingly well. Sometimes I forget I am on this treatment and what is going on inside my body.  Then a day comes that reminds me with low energy....etc....those are the days my victory is challenged.  The most difficult thing for me to adjust to so far has been the lack of energy and fatigue that sometimes just overwhelms me. I have those 2 voices; God and the devil, on each shoulder arguing about Gods promises...I pray, rest, read the Word, listen to some worship music, call a friend and God ALWAYS lifts me up...I know that part of that is all the prayers my friends and family are lifting up in my behalf. I am so thankful for all of the support, cards, gifts and prayer that has been showered  on me. 
I have a doctor appointment next week and am excited to hear how well I know I am doing.

Every day is a gift, it all belongs to God, everything we are working towards, everyone we are praying for and all the things we think we cannot live is all God's...and I am thanking Him everyday for His healing. 

I am asking God to show me all the confirmations of His will that happen every day in my life. I am attending a Bible study on Tuesday morning titled "Life's Interruptions". Could that be more perfect!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

"I'm yours Lord....

"I'm yours Lord...try me now and see....see if I can be completely yours..."

"It's me... it's me... it's me oh Lord... standing in the need of's me it's me it's me oh Lord standing in the need of prayer...not my Father not my Mother but it's me oh Lord.."

"Do Lord, oh do Lord, oh do you remember me? Do Lord oh Do Lord oh do you remember Lord or do Lord oh do you remember me, way beyond the blue..."

Those of you who grew up in church like I did will remember these simple songs. I have awakened some of these past mornings with these songs playing over in my head. I have not sung them in at least 35 years. I am amazed how the Lord has quickened my memory with these old church chorus's. I am learning how music can be such a comfort and strong witness in my spirit of God's peace and comfort during these past few months. I think I always knew that, but wow, amazing....

I had another acupuncture visit and a massage this week. I am eating a perfect diet, staying active and following all the recommendations I have been given. The side effects of the treatment have settled down and I feel much BETTER...thanks so much for praying for me....!!

My devotions today spoke of God's chariots...."once our eyes are opened by God, we will see all the events of our lives, great or small, joyful or sad, as a chariot for our souls. The difference is the choice we make of how we view them. We can lie down and let them roll over and crush us, or we can climb into them and they become a chariot of God to triumphantly take us onward and upward." (Hannah Whitall Smith)...I am in the chariot!!

I heard of another extended family member diagnosed with kidney cancer today. It is time to pray for Him and that family. I am resting in the healing that has already been done in my life. Blessings.....

Monday, March 28, 2011


"Ritz Carlton in Orlando Florida is a very nice place to relax during treatment. Rocky had a little business and a little fun, I had all fun. The weather was wonderful and the hotel was amazing. Room service, smoothies by the pool, reading books and warming up those soggy Portland bones.  The long plane ride home was a direct flight and that was a little difficult. I had what they call an "anxiety attack". I have heard of these, but never experienced one. Let me tell you they are real! I thought for sure I was having a heart attack, and trapped on the plane!! I have never been happier to be home in my bed in my whole life!! My praise and worship music with Bose noise cancelling headphones kept me going. Rock and I prayed all the way home!! The next morning I called the dr and sure enough it was an anxiety attack.  Our Ladies Bible study gave me a blessings basket with gifts for each day with scriptures on them. Guess what, that morning I opened one and the scripture was "Cast all your anxiety on Him for He cares for you" 1 Peter 5: 7-10. Is'nt it amazing how faithful God is!

I am just starting my second 30 days of treatment.  I have had some back pain, had an xray and nothing to report. They think it is just muscles. Monday I visited the Integrative Medicine and accupunture clinic at Providence Cancer Center. That was wonderful. I learned so much about diet and exersice contributing to my treatments. I also had accupuncture on those muscles. That really helped. One of my wonderful friends sent me a great book. "Anti-Cancer"...A New Way of Life...I have inhaled it and went to the grocery store today with it under my arm.

Right now the Rocky, Travis and Dustin are making tacos and watching the opening baseball game Dodgers and Giants. My Dustin has been here since this all began and I could not be more blessed.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


I have never been one to wait to long for anything. I guess I am from the generation of NOW...
As my Dad says, "We cannot even wait for 3 minute oatmeal anymore?"...I want immediate gratification in all things. I want to "fix it" for everyone in my family! "Helicopter Mom" is another name often used to describe my behavior....well....guess what? I am learning a new skill. Its called waiting on the Lord.

"Don't steal tomorrow from God's hands....He is never late...His timing is perfect!" I read those words in my devotion today and again recommitted this whole experience to God and His perfect timing.

I also struggle with praying for healing over and over!! Then I read.."Praying your way into full faith; coming to the point of assurance, while still praying, that your prayer has been accepted and heard; and in advance of the event with confident anticipation, actually becoming aware of having received what you asked." That's perfect for the way I feel. Not letting the devil steal my confidence because of timing. I KNOW God is in total control of   my life in every regard. This trial of cancer, my boys, my all things...He is in control from the beginning to the end...I need to stand on that every minute of the day. When I don't FEEL like it.

Rocky and I used to teach a lesson about that exact process. that order. You stand on the FACT that God promises have FAITH it has already happened for FEEL confident and at peace because it is happening...the trick is do not let these out of order. Your feelings are not what we stand on as we trust in Gods perfect timing...I need to relearn this just about every day...Keep praying...God is faithful...

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


We had a very encouraging Dr appointment Tuesday. She checked me all pain in my back...lungs very problems except the expected side effects of the medication which are very mild compared to regular chemo. I said...”Its probably already gone and I am taking this stuff for nothing?”  She responded....”Lets just continue with our 60 days and then we will take a look.” She told me to just live my life, exercise, travel, enjoy!! She seemed very encouraged and when she shook my hand to leave the room I gave her a big hug!!! I think she was taken back at the presence of Gods PEACE in that room...I pray I can also be a witness of Gods healing and love to my Doctor!
I have had mornings when I awake and feel as if I am in a dream. Could this really be happening? Why? What could I have done different? I turn on my music and start to read some of the promises God has given me. EVERY time God lifts me right up and assures me He has a miracle in store for me. I want to share these with you..
February 17, 2011
“I’m a born-again child of the Almighty God. His supernatural favor surround me like a shield this very moment. It is more than enough to deliver me out of this trouble. My faith is in God’s Word and I’m coming out of this triumphantly by the grace of God”
March 4, 2011
“Your situation is filled with uncertainty and is very serious, but is perfectly right. The reason behind it will more than justify Him who brought you here, for it is a platform for which God will display His almighty power. He will not only deliver you but in doing so will impart a lesson that you will never forget, and in the days to come, you will return to the truth of it through singing. You will be unable to ever thank God enough for what He has done.”
March 6, 2011
“If you are a believer, healing already belongs to you. Isaiah 53 clearly says Jesus bore our griefs, sickness, weakness and pain, and carried our sorrows, and that by His stripes we are healed and made whole.”
Lets all claim these every day no matter what anyone is going through GOD IS FAITHFUL and will not ever let us down.

Thursday, March 10, 2011


After the news of the broke of the journey set before us. Friends and family started sending so many wonderful scriptures, cards, and prayers I was absolutly overwhelmed. One of my cousins was visiting the Holy Land when she found out. Actually  she and her husband were standing at the pool of Bathesda where the crippled man had waited 38 years for the Angel to trouble the water so he could be the first in....It never day Jesus came and vanished his sickness and TROUBLE away.  They sang “You are my Healer” with me on their hearts!! Later in the week they put my name along with millions on the prayer wall in Jerusalem!!! 
Another cousin grew up in Calcutta India. Calcutta Mercy Ministries is their mission there. They have a hospital, nursing school, blind school, they feed 25,000 children a day, and the list goes on. We had the privilege of visiting there last year. It was a life changing trip!!I  I am on their daily prayer list.
Another wonderful relative is Pastor in Brooklyn New York. His wife writes music and directs “Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir.” I am on the prayer band there and have the whole church praying for me.
My sister and brotherinlaw are on staff at Rockford First outside of Chicago, they are all praying. Another sister in Philidelphia has her church and friends praying. I had a wonderful woman of God from Florida who has a healing ministry actually call me on the phone, and in a conference call with my parents, sister, Rocky, Dustin and I she claimed God’s healing for me. Imagine over the phone lines across the United can you doubt God’s power. I have another friend who stopped to pray for me in a historic church in Buenes Aries.  Another friend praying for me on her cruise ship, another in Mexico...and on it goes!!!!
“I tell you, you can pray for anything and if you believe that you’ve recieved it, it will be yours” Mark 11 - 24.......GOD ANSWERS PRAYER........Add me to your list and lets watch God perform a MIRACLE!!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


February has been a life changing month for me to say the least.  Who would have thought that in a little over 4 weeks I would go from life as usual to treatment for lung cancer.  Only God who knows all of our tomorrows knows what our future holds.
On January 28th I had a CAT scan scheduled by my doctor to get a better look at a swollen node near my ear.  The swollen lymph node and a dry cough that had hung around for many weeks were the only issues under consideration.  The technician who was administering the scan inadvertently noticed what she thought looked like some “congestion” in my upper right lung.  She called for a doctor to approve a more extensive examination and I left the office a bit confused and worried.  
The next evening I received a call at work with the news that the scan had shown a mass in my lung, but nothing conclusive. That evening we sat down as a family and totally committed the entire situation to God and asked Him for His peace and direction in the days to come.  The next morning was a Friday and my doctor personally took the results to a surgeon for evaluation.  We insisted on meeting with the surgeon that same afternoon because we did not want to go through the weekend without some answers.....At 3:45  Friday, January 30th, the surgeon drove from Hillsboro to meet us at his office at Good Samaritan downtown. Rocky & I sat across his desk that afternoon and learned the alarming news that I have a tumor and it likely is cancer.
Sunday, February 1st after the morning service we met for prayer with the Pastors, family and friends at our wonderful supportive church, Portland Christian Center.  Again claiming Gods healing touch and Peace as we walk through this journey. One of our friends that had recently been healed of cancer  said to me...”I specifically felt Gods healing touch in the service today and I KNOW it was for you!!”
Monday,  February 2nd I had a PET scan.  A wonderful friend had filled my ipod with healing and worship songs. They put me in a dark room with that “stuff” running through my veins for an hour. Tears, fear, MUSIC...God’s presence filled the room with songs like..”He will see you through” and “Holy Spirit come and fill this place.”  They wanted to schedule results way...we saw them Wednesday...Rocky, Spencer and I sat there and took the news.. Lung Cancer. I have never smoked a day in my life, it is a form of cancer called "non-small cell lung cancer" which is the type most common  among non smokers. As you could imagine this was such a shock. I have never had any health problems and maintain a very healthy and active lifestyle.
Friday, February 4th we interviewed our first of several oncologists and began to learn more about the diagnosis and the possible treatments.
Monday, February 7th, a biopsy was taken to better determine exactly what we were dealing with.
Tuesday, February 8th, one of my best friends and co workers who had been down this road twice, was able to get me in to the lung specialist at Providence Cancer Center. We felt very confident this was where God wanted us and we started radiation treatments the very next day. 
After results from the biopsy test we were grateful to learn that this particular cancer can be treated with an oral form of chemotherapy. We started that treatment March 2nd. It is a blessing to be at home, take a daily pill, with side effects that are much easier than many forms of chemo.  I feel pretty good and have enjoyed my family and friends support. The boys have been great, my oldest, Dustin flew home from Costa Rica and has been by my side the whole time. As he put it...”We felt like we were rolling down a hill, hit bottom, and are now climbing up the other side on God’s shoulders...”
I have had so many wonderful “God Moments” and people all over the world praying for me.  Thank you for your thoughts and prayers.
God Bless.....Patti