Friday, June 3, 2011


These past few weeks we have spent time in Sunriver. We are building a house there and have been having a blast with that. It is a very exciting project for me to sink my mind and thoughts into during this treatment. Rocky and I have a home in Sunriver that we rent to family and friends, #27 TOKATEE. is my new website. When this project is complete we will add this new home as well.

The drive is about 4 hours from Portland. I have had increasing back pain these past weeks. My first treatment back in January began with 10 radiation "zaps" on my back. I had a small spot of cancer on my vertebra. We all felt comfortable that had been taken care of with those treatments. My scan in April showed the lung tumor had shrunk by more than 50%!!! We were so excited we never even mentioned my back.  When this pain started, believe me, the devil used it against me. I was struggling with..."Its not gone back there...its moved to more will never be free of this...!!!"

I called my radiologist and explained the situation. She suggested I get an extensive MRI of my whole spine so we can really see everything clearly and I could have some closure on that treatment. She said, "Can you be here in 2 hours?" The MRI tech told me he could not believe they had a 2 1/2 hour time slot for me on such quick notice!"God" got me in that very day for the MRI and 20 minutes later I was in her office looking at the scans on 3 big screens.  NO CANCER AT ALL!!!! In fact my spine looked very healthy!!!!!  The pain was from the spot they treated, it has collapsed slightly. It will take some time for that to fill in and heal. Muscle spasms and  sitting for a long time, aggravate it. Exercise, massage, acupuncture will help with the healing process. I gave her the biggest HUG and thanked her so much for understanding where my thoughts were going...!!

P.S....A 2 1/2 hour MRI is very difficult for me.  When you do your spine they pack your head tightly in a brace and put you in a small enclosed tube down to your knees. It is very loud. I had to take something to relax me. About halfway through I was loosing it, praying and singing the song..."Holy Spirit come and fill this place"....I saw a comforting face come down and pull the cover slightly over me and tuck it under my chin and he said.."You are in my hands sweetheart" was just like you would do for a small child when tucking them into bed.  An angel? The Holy Spirit? I tell you it was as real as rain in Oregon...!!!

I am rejoicing every minute and thanking God for his faithfulness to me. Those of you who read my blog remember the chariot I am in. God's chariot of triumph that over runs our trials. My devotion today spoke of that chariot again...
"Do you think all this commotion and uproar of this life is evidence that God has left His throne? He has not! His mighty steeds rush furiously ahead, and His chariots are storms themselves. But the horses have bridles, and it is God who holds the reins, guiding the chariots as He wills!"  So hold on and relax!!!!

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