Monday, August 29, 2011

"Having done all, STAND" Eph. 6:13

It is very difficult to not have clarity in the journey. My personality likes knowing when, what, where and how? I have seen all the best doctors, eating all the right foods, exercising, reading the Word, many friends and family  have prayed for healing and continue to do now what..."Having done all stand" firm in knowing Gods promises are true and He is faithful.

That is exactly where I am right now. These past weeks I have been working on my house in Caldera Springs. There is not a more beautiful place to be for me right now. I have had family and friends with me and we have all had a wonderful time. There is something about it that renews my spirit. Dustin is on his way back to the states by land....He is in El Salvador, next a few stops in Mexico then San Fransisco. I will be so glad when he gets home.  Whats wrong with the plane? He says "I just want to say I did it" who does that sound like? Rocky!! He is fluent in Spanish now and is having a great time "surfing" his way home. Its hard to argue with that. Spencer is the Small Business Specialist at Chase bank in Portland and is living 8 blocks from work. He is enjoying the downtown life. Travis is a Personal Banker at Chase.  They both still have their cute girlfriends.  I  have been to 2 weddings this summer and am now ready for a few of my own.

Life seems to come in trimesters.The first trimester is about living in God's will, growing, learning,  choosing a mate, figuring out what kind of a person as well as a "Believer" you want to be, choosing a career, starting a family.The second trimester you are raising the family, taking care of their needs, college funds, preparing for retirement, wearing so many hats,! The third trimester is about how you want to conclude your life, spend your retirement, and how you want to be remembered.  I want to be remembered for my relationship with Jesus, my husband, children, parents and friends. I am looking forward to what God has for me as I look ahead to the "third trimester."  Its important for me to have meaningful activities and outreach and not just live a self centered existence. God has a special ministry for everyone at every stage. I am learning daily what that is for me this last trimester.  Claiming at least 30 more years.

"Antenna's up." I visited a darling girl in the hospital this week who is paralyzed from the chest down from a bad car accident. Please pray for Erin. I gave her a Bible and will continue to visit her and pray for Gods healing touch on her body. AGAIN, thanks for all your support and prayers I am "standing"....

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


"Claim Victory" that is what I am doing every day. It is August 10th and I am in the middle of my 3 months until I see the Dr for another scan and evaluation in September. I take my "pill" every morning and claim that day for God's glory. I have had amazing opportunities to share my story and God's grace and healing almost every day.

It is not a easy thing to keep focused on healing every day. The Lord said to Joshua,"Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Be strong and courageous." Josh 10:25.
The Lord is with you, "mighty men of valour" and you are mighty because you are with the Mightiest" so claim VICTORY...whenever your heart and and flesh fail you.."claim victory"...Remember you were in Him when He won claim victory! (Streams in the Desert).  AMEN...that is my new "word" Victory....

I have been having a great summer. Rocky and I are building a home in Caldera Springs, Sunriver, Oregon. It has been such a blessing to have a wonderful project to work on and look forward to.  Gods timing is perfect.