Monday, March 28, 2011


"Ritz Carlton in Orlando Florida is a very nice place to relax during treatment. Rocky had a little business and a little fun, I had all fun. The weather was wonderful and the hotel was amazing. Room service, smoothies by the pool, reading books and warming up those soggy Portland bones.  The long plane ride home was a direct flight and that was a little difficult. I had what they call an "anxiety attack". I have heard of these, but never experienced one. Let me tell you they are real! I thought for sure I was having a heart attack, and trapped on the plane!! I have never been happier to be home in my bed in my whole life!! My praise and worship music with Bose noise cancelling headphones kept me going. Rock and I prayed all the way home!! The next morning I called the dr and sure enough it was an anxiety attack.  Our Ladies Bible study gave me a blessings basket with gifts for each day with scriptures on them. Guess what, that morning I opened one and the scripture was "Cast all your anxiety on Him for He cares for you" 1 Peter 5: 7-10. Is'nt it amazing how faithful God is!

I am just starting my second 30 days of treatment.  I have had some back pain, had an xray and nothing to report. They think it is just muscles. Monday I visited the Integrative Medicine and accupunture clinic at Providence Cancer Center. That was wonderful. I learned so much about diet and exersice contributing to my treatments. I also had accupuncture on those muscles. That really helped. One of my wonderful friends sent me a great book. "Anti-Cancer"...A New Way of Life...I have inhaled it and went to the grocery store today with it under my arm.

Right now the Rocky, Travis and Dustin are making tacos and watching the opening baseball game Dodgers and Giants. My Dustin has been here since this all began and I could not be more blessed.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


I have never been one to wait to long for anything. I guess I am from the generation of NOW...
As my Dad says, "We cannot even wait for 3 minute oatmeal anymore?"...I want immediate gratification in all things. I want to "fix it" for everyone in my family! "Helicopter Mom" is another name often used to describe my behavior....well....guess what? I am learning a new skill. Its called waiting on the Lord.

"Don't steal tomorrow from God's hands....He is never late...His timing is perfect!" I read those words in my devotion today and again recommitted this whole experience to God and His perfect timing.

I also struggle with praying for healing over and over!! Then I read.."Praying your way into full faith; coming to the point of assurance, while still praying, that your prayer has been accepted and heard; and in advance of the event with confident anticipation, actually becoming aware of having received what you asked." That's perfect for the way I feel. Not letting the devil steal my confidence because of timing. I KNOW God is in total control of   my life in every regard. This trial of cancer, my boys, my all things...He is in control from the beginning to the end...I need to stand on that every minute of the day. When I don't FEEL like it.

Rocky and I used to teach a lesson about that exact process. that order. You stand on the FACT that God promises have FAITH it has already happened for FEEL confident and at peace because it is happening...the trick is do not let these out of order. Your feelings are not what we stand on as we trust in Gods perfect timing...I need to relearn this just about every day...Keep praying...God is faithful...

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


We had a very encouraging Dr appointment Tuesday. She checked me all pain in my back...lungs very problems except the expected side effects of the medication which are very mild compared to regular chemo. I said...”Its probably already gone and I am taking this stuff for nothing?”  She responded....”Lets just continue with our 60 days and then we will take a look.” She told me to just live my life, exercise, travel, enjoy!! She seemed very encouraged and when she shook my hand to leave the room I gave her a big hug!!! I think she was taken back at the presence of Gods PEACE in that room...I pray I can also be a witness of Gods healing and love to my Doctor!
I have had mornings when I awake and feel as if I am in a dream. Could this really be happening? Why? What could I have done different? I turn on my music and start to read some of the promises God has given me. EVERY time God lifts me right up and assures me He has a miracle in store for me. I want to share these with you..
February 17, 2011
“I’m a born-again child of the Almighty God. His supernatural favor surround me like a shield this very moment. It is more than enough to deliver me out of this trouble. My faith is in God’s Word and I’m coming out of this triumphantly by the grace of God”
March 4, 2011
“Your situation is filled with uncertainty and is very serious, but is perfectly right. The reason behind it will more than justify Him who brought you here, for it is a platform for which God will display His almighty power. He will not only deliver you but in doing so will impart a lesson that you will never forget, and in the days to come, you will return to the truth of it through singing. You will be unable to ever thank God enough for what He has done.”
March 6, 2011
“If you are a believer, healing already belongs to you. Isaiah 53 clearly says Jesus bore our griefs, sickness, weakness and pain, and carried our sorrows, and that by His stripes we are healed and made whole.”
Lets all claim these every day no matter what anyone is going through GOD IS FAITHFUL and will not ever let us down.

Thursday, March 10, 2011


After the news of the broke of the journey set before us. Friends and family started sending so many wonderful scriptures, cards, and prayers I was absolutly overwhelmed. One of my cousins was visiting the Holy Land when she found out. Actually  she and her husband were standing at the pool of Bathesda where the crippled man had waited 38 years for the Angel to trouble the water so he could be the first in....It never day Jesus came and vanished his sickness and TROUBLE away.  They sang “You are my Healer” with me on their hearts!! Later in the week they put my name along with millions on the prayer wall in Jerusalem!!! 
Another cousin grew up in Calcutta India. Calcutta Mercy Ministries is their mission there. They have a hospital, nursing school, blind school, they feed 25,000 children a day, and the list goes on. We had the privilege of visiting there last year. It was a life changing trip!!I  I am on their daily prayer list.
Another wonderful relative is Pastor in Brooklyn New York. His wife writes music and directs “Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir.” I am on the prayer band there and have the whole church praying for me.
My sister and brotherinlaw are on staff at Rockford First outside of Chicago, they are all praying. Another sister in Philidelphia has her church and friends praying. I had a wonderful woman of God from Florida who has a healing ministry actually call me on the phone, and in a conference call with my parents, sister, Rocky, Dustin and I she claimed God’s healing for me. Imagine over the phone lines across the United can you doubt God’s power. I have another friend who stopped to pray for me in a historic church in Buenes Aries.  Another friend praying for me on her cruise ship, another in Mexico...and on it goes!!!!
“I tell you, you can pray for anything and if you believe that you’ve recieved it, it will be yours” Mark 11 - 24.......GOD ANSWERS PRAYER........Add me to your list and lets watch God perform a MIRACLE!!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


February has been a life changing month for me to say the least.  Who would have thought that in a little over 4 weeks I would go from life as usual to treatment for lung cancer.  Only God who knows all of our tomorrows knows what our future holds.
On January 28th I had a CAT scan scheduled by my doctor to get a better look at a swollen node near my ear.  The swollen lymph node and a dry cough that had hung around for many weeks were the only issues under consideration.  The technician who was administering the scan inadvertently noticed what she thought looked like some “congestion” in my upper right lung.  She called for a doctor to approve a more extensive examination and I left the office a bit confused and worried.  
The next evening I received a call at work with the news that the scan had shown a mass in my lung, but nothing conclusive. That evening we sat down as a family and totally committed the entire situation to God and asked Him for His peace and direction in the days to come.  The next morning was a Friday and my doctor personally took the results to a surgeon for evaluation.  We insisted on meeting with the surgeon that same afternoon because we did not want to go through the weekend without some answers.....At 3:45  Friday, January 30th, the surgeon drove from Hillsboro to meet us at his office at Good Samaritan downtown. Rocky & I sat across his desk that afternoon and learned the alarming news that I have a tumor and it likely is cancer.
Sunday, February 1st after the morning service we met for prayer with the Pastors, family and friends at our wonderful supportive church, Portland Christian Center.  Again claiming Gods healing touch and Peace as we walk through this journey. One of our friends that had recently been healed of cancer  said to me...”I specifically felt Gods healing touch in the service today and I KNOW it was for you!!”
Monday,  February 2nd I had a PET scan.  A wonderful friend had filled my ipod with healing and worship songs. They put me in a dark room with that “stuff” running through my veins for an hour. Tears, fear, MUSIC...God’s presence filled the room with songs like..”He will see you through” and “Holy Spirit come and fill this place.”  They wanted to schedule results way...we saw them Wednesday...Rocky, Spencer and I sat there and took the news.. Lung Cancer. I have never smoked a day in my life, it is a form of cancer called "non-small cell lung cancer" which is the type most common  among non smokers. As you could imagine this was such a shock. I have never had any health problems and maintain a very healthy and active lifestyle.
Friday, February 4th we interviewed our first of several oncologists and began to learn more about the diagnosis and the possible treatments.
Monday, February 7th, a biopsy was taken to better determine exactly what we were dealing with.
Tuesday, February 8th, one of my best friends and co workers who had been down this road twice, was able to get me in to the lung specialist at Providence Cancer Center. We felt very confident this was where God wanted us and we started radiation treatments the very next day. 
After results from the biopsy test we were grateful to learn that this particular cancer can be treated with an oral form of chemotherapy. We started that treatment March 2nd. It is a blessing to be at home, take a daily pill, with side effects that are much easier than many forms of chemo.  I feel pretty good and have enjoyed my family and friends support. The boys have been great, my oldest, Dustin flew home from Costa Rica and has been by my side the whole time. As he put it...”We felt like we were rolling down a hill, hit bottom, and are now climbing up the other side on God’s shoulders...”
I have had so many wonderful “God Moments” and people all over the world praying for me.  Thank you for your thoughts and prayers.
God Bless.....Patti