Friday, April 29, 2011


This week was my first scan and Dr. appointment since starting my treatment. I had "scanexiety" a new term I heard from a fellow patient. Every day I pray, take the pill, eat all the right foods, exercise, doing all the "right" things, claiming healing constantly. I tell you what, there is nothing like proof on the screen of what God is doing.

All my family was able to attend the appointment. It was like an army assembled to take on whatever was to be. My Dr. is a reserved, petite lady that walked into a room of 4 men all surrounding me, Arn's Army, as if challenging her to give us good news or what!!! The strength I draw form them is unexplainable.  She asked how I was doing with side effects, ect....looked me over and said "lets look at your scan together." She put them up side by side, the one taken Monday and the one taken on January 28th.....AMAZING.....the size of the mass is at least %50 smaller and looks all shrivelled up!!!!! God is healing me and I  now have proof!!!!  We are all soooooo excited to be half way up that hill we were rolling down about 60 days ago.

I am taking the treatment for 60 more days. I am claiming complete healing..."cancer free" as the term goes. Please keep me in your prayers. God is teaching me and my family and friends so much. I have told the Lord I will shout it from the rooftops and give HIM all the glory when this journey is complete.

Easter Sunday in my sun room wrapped in a beautiful handmade quilt from a wonderful Christian friend...

Thursday, April 21, 2011


Has a phone call ever changed your life forever? Do you think you have it all planned out? Not only for yourself but for your children? Let me tell you something....the only One who has it all planned out for you is Jesus....learning to depend on His faithfulness is the toughest lesson we will ever learn and continue to learn our whole life.

My phone call was Thursday evening, January 27th...a life changer. I am in the process of learning that lesson again and giving ALL my plans for everything and everybody back to Him.

I am feeling amazingly well. Sometimes I forget I am on this treatment and what is going on inside my body.  Then a day comes that reminds me with low energy....etc....those are the days my victory is challenged.  The most difficult thing for me to adjust to so far has been the lack of energy and fatigue that sometimes just overwhelms me. I have those 2 voices; God and the devil, on each shoulder arguing about Gods promises...I pray, rest, read the Word, listen to some worship music, call a friend and God ALWAYS lifts me up...I know that part of that is all the prayers my friends and family are lifting up in my behalf. I am so thankful for all of the support, cards, gifts and prayer that has been showered  on me. 
I have a doctor appointment next week and am excited to hear how well I know I am doing.

Every day is a gift, it all belongs to God, everything we are working towards, everyone we are praying for and all the things we think we cannot live is all God's...and I am thanking Him everyday for His healing. 

I am asking God to show me all the confirmations of His will that happen every day in my life. I am attending a Bible study on Tuesday morning titled "Life's Interruptions". Could that be more perfect!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

"I'm yours Lord....

"I'm yours Lord...try me now and see....see if I can be completely yours..."

"It's me... it's me... it's me oh Lord... standing in the need of's me it's me it's me oh Lord standing in the need of prayer...not my Father not my Mother but it's me oh Lord.."

"Do Lord, oh do Lord, oh do you remember me? Do Lord oh Do Lord oh do you remember Lord or do Lord oh do you remember me, way beyond the blue..."

Those of you who grew up in church like I did will remember these simple songs. I have awakened some of these past mornings with these songs playing over in my head. I have not sung them in at least 35 years. I am amazed how the Lord has quickened my memory with these old church chorus's. I am learning how music can be such a comfort and strong witness in my spirit of God's peace and comfort during these past few months. I think I always knew that, but wow, amazing....

I had another acupuncture visit and a massage this week. I am eating a perfect diet, staying active and following all the recommendations I have been given. The side effects of the treatment have settled down and I feel much BETTER...thanks so much for praying for me....!!

My devotions today spoke of God's chariots...."once our eyes are opened by God, we will see all the events of our lives, great or small, joyful or sad, as a chariot for our souls. The difference is the choice we make of how we view them. We can lie down and let them roll over and crush us, or we can climb into them and they become a chariot of God to triumphantly take us onward and upward." (Hannah Whitall Smith)...I am in the chariot!!

I heard of another extended family member diagnosed with kidney cancer today. It is time to pray for Him and that family. I am resting in the healing that has already been done in my life. Blessings.....