Tuesday, March 22, 2011


I have never been one to wait to long for anything. I guess I am from the generation of NOW...
As my Dad says, "We cannot even wait for 3 minute oatmeal anymore?"...I want immediate gratification in all things. I want to "fix it" for everyone in my family! "Helicopter Mom" is another name often used to describe my behavior....well....guess what? I am learning a new skill. Its called waiting on the Lord.

"Don't steal tomorrow from God's hands....He is never late...His timing is perfect!" I read those words in my devotion today and again recommitted this whole experience to God and His perfect timing.

I also struggle with praying for healing over and over!! Then I read.."Praying your way into full faith; coming to the point of assurance, while still praying, that your prayer has been accepted and heard; and in advance of the event with confident anticipation, actually becoming aware of having received what you asked." That's perfect for the way I feel. Not letting the devil steal my confidence because of timing. I KNOW God is in total control of   my life in every regard. This trial of cancer, my boys, my family...in all things...He is in control from the beginning to the end...I need to stand on that every minute of the day. When I don't FEEL like it.

Rocky and I used to teach a lesson about that exact process. FACT...FAITH...FEELING...in that order. You stand on the FACT that God promises
healing....you have FAITH it has already happened for you....you FEEL confident and at peace because it is happening...the trick is do not let these out of order. Your feelings are not what we stand on as we trust in Gods perfect timing...I need to relearn this just about every day...Keep praying...God is faithful...

1 comment:

  1. Patti
    As you wait on the Lord we stand and wait with you! As some days are harder than others know that others are standing and waiting on the Lord for you.
    I waited patiently for the Lord he turned to me and heard my cry. PS 40:1
    Colleen Lile
