Friday, October 7, 2011


I grew up in church under my fathers ministry. My Mother has a beautiful alto voice and sang solos at church. One of the songs she sang often was.."His eye is on the sparrow and I know He watches ME..." Recently I received a recording from the 70"s of my mother singing that song and of my Father quoting scripture. It brought back so many memories.  Since this journey began I have thought back many times on those hymns and scripture chorus's we used to sing. One of my wonderful friends sent me a worship folder with so many great hymns on healing and trust. I have sung them over and of which is.."Tis so sweet to TRUST in Jesus, just to trust Him at His word; Just to rest upon His promise; Just to know "Thus saith the Lord". Oh my that is tough "just trust"....I am praying for Gods healing and direction and now I need to just rest in those everlasting arms.

I purchased a new cd with some of these hymns done in new arrangements that I LOVE....On one of my drives from Bend I was singing along as loud as I could and the blessing was carrying me down the road...Every time this song..."His eye is on the Sparrow" came on I felt a special touch from the Lord and the memory of my Mom came flooding into my brain....I don't very often say this...but I tell you as clear as day...God said.."Your friend who is also going through treatment needs to hear this....take her this cd and sing it to her..." OK...I obeyed the Lord and we both received such a blessing!! It can very often be beyond your comfort zone that God stretches you to be used in a special way.  I have recorded in a journal the promises and scriptures the Lord has given me these past months with the dates they were received. On March 4th the second day of this oral chemo pill He gave me a promise ending in...."He will not only deliver you but in doing so will impart a lesson that you will never forget. And in days to come you will return to the truth of it through singing"....."I am so excited to see whats next!!

Speaking of His eyes watching over us 24/7...I again was on the Sunriver golf course with "Tug" my dog one evening having a wonderful time and here came 5 deer!! They ran right in from of us and yes there went tug....It was just about dark and I ran after him.  I called the Sunriver fire department and police and they were all out looking...I did my best to follow the trail. I went from the 18th hole to the 5th and decided I better go back and get the car...he had been gone about an was dark, I was so upset...I ran home and who was waiting for me on the porch with his head cocked to one side like..."where have you been I have been waiting here and I am so thirsty.." God was watching this little sparrow and he brought him home....reminding me once again he is always watching. We were both exhausted. I feel I have reached an  improved level of health these past 2 weeks. My cough is just about gone, I have more energy, my hair is growing back, I have very little side effects anymore.....THANK YOU JESUS!!!!!!  I am leaning more and more into His everlasting arms....Thank you for praying. next scan is middle of November.


  1. Patti, thank you so much for sharing your journey with us. Continuing to pray for you. Yesterday at Bible Study was such a blessing.

  2. I continue to pray for you and your family. May God's richest blessings be yours. Your Mom prayed for me daily for years, still may, I would not be surprised. Prayer has "kept" me and I know it will for you as well. Love you, Ken
