Sunday, April 22, 2012


I am praying for stamina in all the areas of the life right now. I need it physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. I am 8 weeks out from my recent radiation on my back.  Thinking I should be "fine" by now I have tackled a very busy few weeks. We moved into the Caldera House and  prepared the Sunriver house for a more active rental season this summer.

Today I had a Dr appt and my first question was, "Where is my energy?" How much longer do I need to take these pain pills? When will I feel myself again?   She reminded me how much time it takes to heal from my treatment and how I was on the lowest dose available on my meds, and how well I was progressing. When the healing is all inside the body it is hard to understand what all is happening. She explained if I had surgery or was in an accident and the injury was visible it would be easier to grasp the healing process. That helped me understand and appreciate God's continued touch. I recently heard that a runner has a drive beyond his physical strength when he can see the finish line, he can run like the wind.  I have no finish line at this point. That is very hard for me. If I knew God's timing for this journey I would rest in that so much easier. This morning in my Jesus Calling Book....perfect for me...
"Acknowledge My sovereignty by giving thanks in all circumstances" I believe that with all my heart. Relaxing and living it every day is the hardest thing I have ever done.  Give me a list I will mark everything off, done.  Give me a goal I will achieve it. The boys and I used to try and be the last people on the ski run when they closed for the day, "one more run" was our motto.  Relax and rest? Who does that?

 When you think of the word "stamina" who is the first Bible character that comes to mind? Job. Job went through years of trials, physically, financially, emotionally, in all ways he stood firm in his faith and God restored him beyond where he had been before.
"Though he slay me, yet will I hope in Him" (Job 13:15). I am claiming that scripture for myself as well.

We have recently completed the Caldera home and Rocky and I already feel so at home and peaceful there. It is such a blessed place and I am so looking forward to spending time there with family and friends.  We just celebrated Rocky's birthday and Easter in our new home.  Central Oregon weather this time of year snows at night and blue sky every day.  There is such a clean fresh smell in the air every day. We should be golfing and biking soon.   Thank you for your continued prayers. God is faithful, I am trusting and enjoying every day He gives me.

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